Carpal tunnel syndrome is a
common disorder characterized by pain, burning, and tingling of the palmar
surface of the hand, resulting from compression of the median nerve between the
carpal ligament and other structures within the carpal tunnel (entrapment
neuropathy). The volume of the contents of the tunnel can be increased by
organic lesions such as synovitis of the tendon sheaths or carpal joints,
recent or malhealed fractures, tumors, and occasionally congenital anomalies.
Even though no anatomic lesion is apparent, flattening or even circumferential
constriction of the median nerve may be observed during operative section of
the ligament. The disorder may occur in pregnancy, is seen in individuals with
a history of repetitive use of the hands, and may follow injuries of the
wrists. A familial type of carpal tunnel syndrome has been reported in which no
etiologic factor can be identified. Carpal tunnel syndrome can also be a
feature of many systemic diseases: rheumatoid arthritis and other rheumatic
disorders (inflammatory tenosynovitis); myxedema, amyloidosis, sarcoidosis, and
leukemia (tissue infiltration); acromegaly; hyperparathyroidism, hypocalcemia,
and diabetes mellitus.
Clinical Findings
Pain in the distribution of the
median nerve, which may be burning and tingling (acroparesthesia), is the
initial symptom. Aching pain may radiate proximally into the forearm and
occasionally proximally to the shoulder, neck, and chest. Pain is exacerbated
by manual activity, particularly by extremes of volar flexion or dorsiflexion
of the wrist. It may be most bothersome at night. Impairment of sensation in
the median nerve distribution may not be apparent. Subtle disparity between the
affected and opposite sides can be demonstrated by testing for two-point
discrimination or by requiring the patient to identify different textures of
cloth by rubbing them between the tips of the thumb and the index finger.
Tinel's or Phalen's sign may be positive. (Tinel's sign is tingling or shock-like
pain on volar wrist percussion; Phalen's sign, pain or paresthesia in the
distribution of the median nerve when the patient flexes both wrists to 90
degrees with the dorsal aspects of the hands held in apposition for 60
seconds.) The carpal compression test, performed by applying direct pressure on
the carpal tunnel, may be more sensitive and specific than the Tinel and Phalen
tests. Muscle weakness or atrophy, especially of the abductor pollicis brevis,
appears later than sensory disturbances. Useful special examinations include
electromyography and determinations of segmental sensory and motor conduction
delay. Distal median sensory conduction delay may be evident before motor
Differential Diagnosis
This syndrome should be
differentiated from other cervicobrachial pain syndromes, from compression
syndromes of the median nerve in the forearm or arm, and from mononeuritis
multiplex. When left-sided, it may be confused with angina pectoris.
Treatment is directed toward
relief of pressure on the median nerve. When a primary lesion is discovered,
specific treatment should be given. When soft tissue swelling is a cause,
elevation of the extremity may relieve symptoms. Splinting of the hand and
forearm at night may be beneficial. Injection of corticosteroid into the carpal
tunnel can alleviate symptoms in some patients, particularly those with
synovitis of the wrist. To reduce the chance of nerve injury, this injection
should be performed by a physician thoroughly familiar with the anatomy of the
carpal tunnel. Operative division of the volar carpal ligament gives lasting
relief from pain, which usually subsides within a few days. Muscle strength
returns gradually, but complete recovery cannot be expected when atrophy is
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